Chemical sampling equipment – Derwent James Ltd – UK experts

Sampling hazardous chemicals into an open container exposes the operator to that chemical. It also presents a risk to the local environment. More and more chemical producers are seeking to improve the sampling equipment they use.
You can prevent emissions, local contamination and even sample inaccuracy by improving chemical sampling equipment. Install a Dopak industrial sampling system.
Dopak chemical sampling equipment is already widely used in the chemical industry. Both in the UK and worldwide. Dopak systems and equipment are now arguably the industry standard. Dopak systems provide safe, efficient, closed vent sampling.
Not only in the chemical industry. More and more Dopak industrial sampling systems are being used in the oil and gas, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors.
A Dopak chemical sampling equipment has proven its worth by remaining constant for many years. However, some small improvements such as the no bottle no flow needle assembly have continued to improve the offering of Dopak sampling equipment and systems.
Dovianus BV – The manufacturers of Dopak systems
Manufactured by Dovianus BV (ISO 9001) in The Netherlands Dopak sampling equipment has worldwide representation. Dopak systems are represented EXCLUSIVELY in the UK by us here at Derwent James Ltd
Our Managing Director Neil Finney has experience with Dopak dating back to 1997. Neil is therefore well placed to assist with your hazardous chemical sampling applications.
Dopak chemical sampling equipment and systems exceed worldwide safety standards.
If you are considering an improvement to your on site sampling systems then consider a Dopak sampling system.
Dopak sampling system represent accuracy and safety when sampling a potentially hazardous chemical. Contact us today for details.
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